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Weststar Aviation Services Hosts Professional Recognition Briefing with MBOT

On October 10th 2024, Weststar Aviation Services Kerteh Base welcomed Ts Abdul Hafiz bin Mohamad Nor, Deputy Registrar (Operations) from the Malaysian Board of Technologist (MBOT), for a Professional Recognition Briefing Session. The half day event aimed to provide employees with valuable insights into the Ts (Technologist Specialist) and Tc (Technician Specialist) professional recognitions.  

The session offered detailed guidance on the benefits of MBOTs professional credentials and the streamlined application process. Employees were encouraged to enhance their professional qualifications, with on-site registration facilitated to simplify the process. 

The briefing was marked by active participation, as employees engaged in discussions progression. Following the session, Weststar presented a token of appreciation to MBOT, acknowledging the valuable knowledge shared during the event. 

The day concluded with a tour of the hangar, offering attendees a behind the scenes look at Weststar’s operations. The tour highlighted the organization’s dedication to excellence and innovation in the aviation sector. 

Weststar Aviation Services expressed its gratitude to MBOT for their collaboration and reaffirmed its commitment to fostering a culture of professional growth and continuous learning. Events like these underscore the company’s dedication to empowering its workforce and maintaining its position as a leader in the aviation industry.

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